In response to The Daily Post’s writing prompt: “Me Time.” It has spurred me to admit that I have neglected the ‘Me time’ of blogging. It has been a while since I created a new post but its like missing a friend….a couple of day is normal in between coffee dates or meeting up, but a couple of months and you really do put pressure on a friendship to last the course.

My humblest apologies to my followers as I haven’t given myself even a small amount of time for ‘Me time’ or in fact ‘you time’ to nurture the new shoots of friendships that began to grow at the start of writing my blog.

Someone asked me the other day about blogging and stated that they too had concerns about them being interesting or engaging…. I admit it would be impossible to be both those things daily but, as always, I told her the main purpose of my blog was to be honest. To show me as me with my flaws but also to show you my strengths.

It was during this time that I realised I hadn’t watered my shoots for a while, or connected with those people who have so kindly read, responded and commented on my blog.

So today, I have made some tome for me to write to you to thank you for sticking around and that I hope to start giving myself time to nurture these friendships and hopefully create space to produce more.

How do you make time for you?

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